What To Pack For Your Railway Adventure

What To Pack For Your Railway Adventure

While you may have booked your dream railway journey, you do need to think practically in terms of what to pack. But, it depends on which train you are going to be riding: the Golden Eagle Danube Express and the Golden Eagle both offer tons of amenities while other trains like the local trains and Tsar’s Gold may require you to take a few extra bits. Here’s a guide on what to pack.

Clothing and Shoes

  • Slippers to wear inside the cabin and for walking along the car’s hallways
  • Water sandals or flip-flops for showering
  • Earplugs for sleeping with or tuning out noise on the train
  • Swimsuit cover-up for lounging in the cabin
  • Eye masks for night time

Food and Drinks

  • A large and insulated coffee is a must since drinks in cabins are usually severed in smaller teacups.
  • Packets of instant coffee and tea for when you feel like staying in your compartment
  • A pocket knife for foods and breads you decide to buy along the way or during Trans-Siberian railway tours at The Trans-Siberian Travel Company.

Things to Pack to Stay Rested and Healthy

  • Benadryl or melatonin. These are ideal for major time-zone adjustments and long flights, and also to help you sleep.
  • Pepto-Bismol or Imodium for upset stomachs and diarrhoea

Items for Pack for Tours

  • A map of the Trans-Siberian route and a city map. While you may not need maps for navigating around town since you will be with a tour group, it may come in handy for orientating yourself in the city that you are visiting.
  • A sturdy daypack or bag that is useful for city touring. You can usually leave it on the tour bus if you want to, but it comes in handy for travel essentials like an umbrella, water bottle, and jacket.

Miscellaneous Items to Pack

  • Voltage converter, just in case you need it. Trains usually have in-cabin dual voltage, and if you really need, the cabin attendant may be able to lend you one.
  • Baby wipes and hand sanitizer to keep hands clean during your adventures.
  • A hair dryer. While some trains do provide these, they may not be powerful enough for your liking.
  • Hanging toiletry bag. Keep your deodorant, toothbrush, and the like safe from falling when the train is rocking.
  • A Velcro clothes line. Velcro is usually easier to attach.

A Few Essentials

  • A phrase book or even a quick cheat-sheet of common foreign phrases you may need to know while traveling around.
  • A thick book to pass the time when you’re between cities. Save weight by downloading a selection of reading material onto your electronic device.
  • Music to keep you occupied.
  • A few small gifts to give to train staff, like t-shirts and postcards
  • Photos of home to remind you of what’re going home to!

This list should help you will all the essential things you will need for a comfortable and successful adventure.

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